BIEWERS-GRIMM, S. (2024). Qualitätssicherung in niedrigschwelligen sozialpädagogischen Settings – Das Beispiel der Offenen Kinder- und Jugendarbeit. In T. Betz, T. Feldhoff, P. Bauer, U. Schmidt, ... B. Schmidt-Hertha, Handbuch Qualität in pädagogischen Feldern: Diskurse. Theoretische Grundlagen. Empirische Beiträge. Kritische Einwürfe. Wiesbaden, Germany: SpringerVS. doi:10.1007/978-3-658-40471-0
Peer reviewed
GOEDERT MENDES, F., LOPES FERREIRA, J., RESIDORI, C., & CATUNDA, C. (2024). Comportements liés à la santé des enfants et adolescents en âge scolaire au Luxembourg - Rapport de l’étude HBSC Luxembourg de 2022.
Ce rapport fournit des informations sur les comportements et leurs conséquences sur la santé des adolescents âgés de 11 à 18 ans scolarisés dans les écoles publiques et privées du Luxembourg dont l’enseignement s’appuie sur le programme national de 2022. L’aisance familiale présente une association avec tous les comportements liés à la santé. Les adolescents issus de familles peu aisées ont déclaré moins souvent : prendre un petit-déjeuner chaque jour d’école, brosser leurs dents au moins deux fois par jour, manger des fruits et légumes quotidiennement et pratiquer une activité physique. En outre, ils ont déclaré plus souvent consommer des boissons sucrées quotidiennement et on observe une plus forte prévalence de l’obésité ou du surpoids, par rapport à leurs homologues issus de familles plus aisées. L’âge et le genre présentent également des associations avec des comportements sains, mais la relation n’est pas systématique et ne va pas toujours dans le même sens. De plus, ce rapport analyse la relation entre l’activité physique d’une part, et l’obésité ou le surpoids ainsi que le bien-être d’autre part. Quelle que soit la consommation de fruits, légumes, boissons sucrées et sucreries, plus la fréquence de l’activité physique est élevée et moins il y a de risque d’être en surpoids ou de devenir obèse. En outre, de hauts niveaux d’activité physique sont associés à de hauts niveaux de bien-être.
GOEDERT MENDES, F., LOPES FERREIRA, J., RESIDORI, C., & CATUNDA, C. (2024). Gesundheitsverhalten von Kindern und Jugendlichen im Schulalter in Luxemburg - Bericht über die HBSC-Umfrage 2022 in Luxemburg.
Dieser Bericht enthält Informationen über das Gesundheitsverhalten und dessen Auswirkungen bei Jugendlichen im Alter von 11 bis 18 Jahren an öffentlichen und privaten Schulen in Luxemburg, deren Unterricht auf dem nationalen Lehrplan von 2022 basiert. Der familiäre Wohlstand steht im Zusammenhang mit allen Gesundheitsverhaltensweisen. Jugendliche aus Familien mit niedrigem Wohlstand gaben seltener an, täglich zu frühstücken, mindestens zweimal täglich die Zähne zu putzen, täglich Obst und Gemüse zu essen und sich körperlich zu betätigen. Außerdem gaben sie häufiger an, täglich zuckerhaltige Getränke zu konsumieren, und es wurde eine höhere Prävalenz von Übergewicht/Adipositas beobachtet als bei Gleichaltrigen aus Familien mit hohem Wohlstand. Auch Alter und Geschlecht stehen im Zusammenhang mit dem Gesundheitsverhalten, allerdings nicht systematisch und mit unterschiedlichen Richtungen. Darüber hinaus wird in diesem Bericht der Zusammenhang zwischen körperlicher Aktivität einerseits und Übergewicht/Adipositas sowie Wohlbefinden andererseits analysiert. Unabhängig vom Konsum von Obst, Gemüse, zuckerhaltigen Getränken und Süßigkeiten sinkt die Wahrscheinlichkeit für Übergewicht oder Adipositas mit dem Maß der körperlichen Aktivität. Zudem wurde ein höheres Maß an körperlicher Aktivität mit einem höheren Wohlbefinden in Verbindung gebracht.
GOEDERT MENDES, F., LOPES FERREIRA, J., RESIDORI, C., & CATUNDA, C. (2024). Health behaviours of school-aged children in Luxembourg - Report on the Luxembourg HBSC Survey 2022.
This report provides information on the health behaviours and health outcomes of adolescents aged 11 to 18 years old attending Luxembourg public and private schools whose teaching is based on the national curriculum in 2022. Family affluence showed an association with all health behaviours. Adolescents from a low family affluence background reported less often to: have breakfast every day, brush their teeth at least twice a day, eat fruits and vegetables daily and practise physical activity; in addition, they reported more often to consume soft drinks daily and a higher prevalence of overweight/obesity is observed, when compared to their peers with a high affluence family background. Age and gender also presented associations with health behaviours, but they were not systematic, and its direction varied. Moreover, this report analyses the relationship between physical activity, on the one hand, and overweight/obesity and well-being, on the other hand. Independently of the consumption of fruits, vegetables, soft drinks and sweets, the higher the frequency of physical activity, the lower the chances of being overweight and obese. In addition, higher levels of physical activity were associated with higher levels of well-being.
Law, R., KLYMCHUK, V., & GORBUNOVA, V. (2024). Interpersonal Psychotherapy in Ukraine. In M. Weissman & J. Mootz, Interpersonal Psychotherapy: A Global Reach (pp. 285-289). Oxford, United Kingdom: Oxford University Press.
Interpersonal Psychotherapy: A Global Reach describes the rapidly expanding global dissemination of IPT, including the development of new training, technologies, and the use of IPT all over the world and in diverse populations. This book covers training considerations, especially for task-shifted or lay providers, certification in delivery of IPT, use of technology for training and implementation, and the continuing evidence base of IPT. The book includes implementation in high-income countries and low- and middle-income countries (LMICs) and humanitarian settings that have limited funds for research and dissemination. Providing practical guidance and experience, experts from 31 different countries from Africa, Asia, Europe, Middle East, North America, South America, and Oceania describe challenges and facilitators of implementing IPT in their settings, share templates of training and adaptation, and provide practical case examples. Additionally, authors detail adaptations of IPT for different disorders, such as borderline personality disorder and PTSD, and many diverse populations across the lifespan from preadolescents to older adults. Implementation of IPT with diverse communities globally includes descriptions of work with African American girls, Indigenous people, Latinx people, refugees, sexual and gender minority individuals, those with perinatal depression, and veterans, among others.
Editorial reviewed
BURGER, K., & Mortimer, J. (2024). Self-esteem. In Reference Module in Neuroscience and Biobehavioral Psychology. Elsevier. doi:10.1016/b978-0-323-96023-6.00058-0
Peer reviewed
Kaiser, A., SAMUEL, R., & Burger, P. (2024). Toward a low-pesticide agriculture: bridging practice theory and social-psychological concepts to analyze farmers’ routines. Sustainability: Science, Practice, and Policy, 20 (1). doi:10.1080/15487733.2024.2306731
Agricultural crop protection (CP) today is under pressure not the least because it strongly relies on pesticides that negatively affect the environment and human health. Policy attempts to induce a transition toward low-pesticide CP have had limited success so far. While the literature has examined these difficulties primarily in terms of farmer decision-making, recent research has begun to highlight the routine nature of farmers’ practices as a key aspect of the inertia of prevailing CP practices. Here we propose a framework that bridges practice theory (PT) and social-psychological concepts. We illustrate the relevance of this framework by gauging the relative roles of individual and structural factors as well as mechanisms that (de)stabilize pesticide-use practices. Our analysis is based on data from a survey conducted among Swiss farmers (n=652). Using structural equation modeling, we find that structural factors are more strongly associated with pesticide use than individual factors. Although farmers’ personal norms to limit the use of pesticides are activated by values, self-efficacy, and social norms, they do not translate into behavior. Structural factors such as local production conditions and knowledge sourced from private agricultural advisory services appear to inhibit the mediating role of personal norms with respect to pesticide use. We conclude that reconfiguring such structural elements of CP practices may help to disrupt routines and eventually lead to a low-pesticide agriculture. Our findings also highlight the benefits of integrating PT and social-psychological concepts to advance our understanding of routines in CP.
Peer reviewed
GORBUNOVA, V., KLYMCHUK, V., Portnytska, N., Savychenko, O., Tychyna, I., & STEFFGEN, G. (2024). Universal mental health training for frontline professionals: evaluation of pilot trial in Ukraine. Open Research Europe, 4 (19). doi:10.12688/openreseurope.16941.1
Background Increasing accessibility of mental health services and expanding universal health coverage is possible worldwide by using a task-shifting approach and delegating elements of mental health support to trained non-mental health service providers. The Universal Mental Health Training (UMHT), dedicated to this aim, was developed and piloted in Ukraine. The UMHT is a specialised program for training frontline professionals on high-quality and evidence-based responses to the mental health needs of the population they serve. Methods The controlled pilot trial of UMHTs’ efficacy was conducted with 307 frontline professionals divided into 24 training groups. The control group included 211 persons with the same occupation background who participated in training later (waiting list). All the groups took part in eight-hour training which includes one introductory module that introduces the mental health topic alongside a five-step model, two disorders-focused modules with the steps adjusted to work with specific disorders and the final module that considers possible difficulties and ways of their solving. Three efficacy measurements were used in the outcome assessment: Readiness to interact with people with mental health issues at work, mental health awareness and mental health proficiency. Results Analysis of the outcome data revealed middle-level effect size related to the knowledge of mental health conditions, mental health awareness, and increasing the readiness to interact with people with mental health issues at work in first-line professionals that underwent the UMHT. Conclusions High-level utilisation of the UMHT at work by trained professionals confirms our hypothesis on the efficacy and feasibility of the developed intervention. Results obtained favour the continuation of the development of the UMHT and future implementation research in this field in Ukraine and potentially in other low- and middle-income countries.
BIEWERS-GRIMM, S. (22 December 2023). Quality Criteria in qualitative Research [Paper presentation]. CCY-Wintermeeting, Esch-Belval, Luxembourg.
The lecture deals with the scientific quality of non-formal educational research. The methodological foundations and quality criteria of a qualitative research design are analysed and justified in terms of scientific theory.
CATUNDA, C., GOEDERT MENDES, F., & LOPES FERREIRA, J. (2023). HBSC Study Luxembourg Methods - Report on the Luxembourg HBSC Survey 2022.
CATUNDA, C., GOEDERT MENDES, F., LOPES FERREIRA, J., & RESIDORI, C. (2023). Mental health and well-being of school-aged children in Luxembourg - Report on the Luxembourg HBSC Survey 2022.
This report provides information on the mental health and well-being of adolescents aged 11 to 18 years old attending Luxembourg public and private schools whose teaching is based on the national curriculum in 2022. Gender differences are present across all mental health and well-being areas. In comparison to boys, girls reported lower life satisfaction and well-being, more frequent health complaints, rated their health as excellent less often, had higher prevalence of depression and anxiety symptoms, felt more often lonely and reported lower levels of self-efficacy. Other sociodemographic characteristics, such as age, family affluence, migration background, family structure and school type are included in the report. Although differences are reported, they are less marked. Furthermore, this report explores the gender gap in life satisfaction taking into account sociodemographic and psychosocial factors. The conducted analyses show that gender differences in life satisfaction are a reflection of gender differences in other psychosocial and social support factors, such as anxiety, loneliness, and family support.
CATUNDA, C., GOEDERT MENDES, F., LOPES FERREIRA, J., & RESIDORI, C. (2023). Mentale Gesundheit und Wohlbefinden von Kindern und Jugendlichen im Schulalter in Luxemburg - Bericht über die HBSC-Umfrage 2022 in Luxemburg.
CATUNDA, C., GOEDERT MENDES, F., LOPES FERREIRA, J., & RESIDORI, C. (2023). Santé mentale et bien-être des enfants et adolescents en âge scolaire au Luxembourg - Rapport sur l’étude HBSC Luxembourg de 2022.
Ce rapport fournit des informations concernant la santé mentale et le bien-être d’adolescents âgés de 11 ans à 18 ans fréquentant les écoles publiques et privés au Luxembourg dont l’enseignement est basé sur le programme national en 2022. On constate des différences entre les genres dans tous les domaines de la santé mentale et du bien-être. Par rapport aux garçons, les filles ont rapporté une satisfaction de vie et un niveau bien-être plus faible, souffrent plus fréquemment de problèmes de santé, se jugent moins souvent en excellente santé, présentent une prévalence plus élevée de symptômes de dépression et d’anxiété, se sentent plus souvent seules et déclarent des niveaux d’auto-efficacité plus faibles. Ce rapport inclut également d’autres caractéristiques sociodémographiques tels que l’âge, l’aisance familiale, l’origine migratoire, la structure familiale et l’ordre d’enseignement. Bien que des différences aient été rapportées, elles sont moins prononcées. De plus, ce rapport examine l’écart entre les genres en matière de satisfaction de vie en tenant compte des facteurs aussi bien sociodémographiques que psychosociaux. Les analyses menées montrent que les différences entre les genres en matière de satisfaction de vie reflètent les différences entre les genres dans d’autres facteurs psychosociaux et de soutien social comme l’anxiété, la solitude et le soutien familial.
CATUNDA, C., & GOEDERT MENDES, F. (27 November 2023). The impact of physical activity on anxiety and depression among adolescents in Luxembourg. Cogent Public Health, 10 (1). doi:10.1080/27707571.2023.2275942
Background: According to the WHO (2019), anxiety and depression are among the leading causes of illness and disability among adolescents. Anxiety disorders are the most common emotional disorder, estimated at 4.6% of 15–19-year-olds experiencing it. Depression is also common, affecting 2.8% of 15–19-year-olds. Both anxiety and depression can importantly affect an adolescent’s life. Having an emotional disorder during adolescence increases the likelihood of having it during adulthood. Physical activity is known to be negatively associated with depression and anxiety (Rebar et al., 2015). However, the extent of this relationship among adolescents in Luxembourg remains unstudied. The present study aims to understand the relationship between anxiety and depression, on the one hand, and physical activity, on the other, in adolescents in Luxembourg. Methods: This study is based on the 2022 Health Behaviour in School-aged Children Luxembourg survey. A total of 8415 adolescents aged 11 to 18 years old, were included in this study. The Generalised Anxiety Disorder Scale was used in its 2-item form (Kroenke et al., 2007) to measure anxiety, while the WHO-5 Well-Being Index was used for depression (Allgaier et al., 2012; Blom et al., 2012). Based on the time spent on and frequency of moderate-vigorous and vigorous physical activity, adolescents were categorized into highly active, active, low active and inactive. Binary logistic regressions were performed to estimate the predictive power of physical activity on anxiety and depression. The level of statistical significance was .05. Results: The prevalence of anxiety and depression symptoms in the studied population was 34.6% and 29.5%, respectively. A negative association between the levels of physical activity, on the one hand, and anxiety and depression, on the other, was found. For instance, compared to those who are highly active, the odds of presenting depression symptomatology are OR=1.64 (95CI 1.37-1.97) for those who are active, OR=2.68 (95CI 2.23-3.23) for the low active, and OR=4.35 (95CI 3.42-5.53) for the inactive adolescents. Similar results are found for anxiety. Conclusion: As the physical activity levels decreased, the likelihood of experiencing depression or anxiety symptoms increased significantly in adolescents in Luxembourg. Those findings corroborate the literature, suggesting that practising physical activity during adolescence has a protective effect on the outcomes of depression and anxiety. As such, physical activity should be encouraged as part of the preventive strategies in order to decrease the prevalence of depression and anxiety in Luxembourg.
Peer reviewed
BIEWERS-GRIMM, S., & WEIS, D. (2023). (Wissenschaftliche) Perspektiven auf Jugendarbeit in Luxemburg [Paper presentation]. Internationale Konferenz "Aufsuchende Jugendarbeit", Luxembourg, Luxembourg.
SAGRILLO, D. F., SCHUMACHER, A., & Wagner, G. (Eds.). (2023). Blasmusik vermittelt Lebensfreude und Wohlbefinden. Die Rolle der Amateurmusikvereine dargestellt am Beispiel der Luxemburger "Fanfare Municipale Luxembourg-Bonnevoie". Wien, Unknown/unspecified: Kliment. doi:10.5281/zenodo.8421895
DUJARDIN, C. (03 October 2023). Social Work and Housing Difficulties [Paper presentation]. Housing Day 2023, Esch-sur-Alzette, Luxembourg.
Scholtes, F., Kalywis, A. L., SAMUEL, R., Reuter, G., Stienen, M. N., & Surbeck, W. (October 2023). In Reply to the Letter to the Editor Regarding "Distribution of Psychological Instability Among Surgeons". World Neurosurgery, 178, 288. doi:10.1016/j.wneu.2023.07.081
Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi
BIEWERS-GRIMM, S. (14 September 2023). The preventive Potential of Open Youth Work to protect against social and emotional Neglect in Adolescence [Paper presentation]. The European Scientific Association on Residential and Family Care for Children and Adolescents - EuSARF 2023, Brighton, United Kingdom.
Family socialization is in fact one of, if not the most important resource for children and adolescents' healthy growing up, well-being, and social-emotional development (Flaquer, 2014). At the same time, dysfunctional family dynamics, such as persistent conflicts, social or emotional neglect, or restrictive parenting, can have significant negative influences on youth development (Yendell et al. 2022). Chronic stress and anxiety, difficulties in building trust and developing healthy interpersonal relationships, or emotional instability are not uncommon consequences of stressful family situations. The Luxembourg Youth Report in 2015 showed how important it is for young people in the adolescence phase to have points of contact and confidants outside their families to whom they can turn for help in coping with typical adolescent development tasks (Havighurst, 1948; Menje &, 2015). The institutions of open youth work, for example, are mentioned here, where young people find confidants and peers with whom they can interac and where young people experience social recognition and emotional support. However, research on the preventive performance of open youth work is very limited. So far, there are hardly any studies describing everyday experiences with social-emotional support in this setting from the perspective of young people. A 2022 study from the University of Luxembourg now addresses this research desideratum. The study uses data to investigate the extent to which young people from socially disadvantaged backgrounds find resonant spaces in youth centers for dealing with specific problems and developmental tasks and how this can promote their social-emotional development, the development of self-confidence and resilience. The study is based on current empirical findings that show that children and adolescents from stressful families have a higher risk of developing a mental and/or social-emotional disorder (Lenz, T., Backes, S., Ugen, S., & Fischbach, A., 2021, Samuel, R.,, 2021, Yendell, et al. 2022). It is assumed that open youth facilities, due to their specific structural characteristics, have a considerable potential to support these young people in case of family conflicts or neglect, already in advance of a formal help or protection measure (Scherr, 2021; Krafeld, 2010, Böhnisch, 1998). In this sense, the offers of youth work can be interpreted as an early-acting, preventive component in the broad field of child, youth and family welfare . The present paper provides a detailed introduction of the Luxembourg study conducted in the year 2022. In addition to the problem context and the theoretical embedding of the study, its mixed-methods design will be described. Empirically reconstructed cases are then presented, exemplifying and drawing on Koller's theory of transformative education (2018), the extent to which youth receive support in coping with social-emotional crises, family conflict situations, and neglect via low-threshold youth work approaches. The empirical cases show, among other things, how adolescents were able to gain emotionality, resilience, self-confidence, and social-emotional skills through low-threshold conversation, opportunities for supported articulation and self-reflection, and judgment-free practice spaces. This presentation aims to provide empirical support for the preventive potential of low-threshold and open youth facilities to support socially and emotionally disadvantaged youth.
Peer reviewed
GOEDERT MENDES, F., LOPES FERREIRA, J., & CATUNDA, C. (01 September 2023). O.4.3-9 Perceived COVID-19 impact and its relationship with Physical Activity in youths in Luxembourg: Health Behaviour in School-aged Children 2022 survey. European Journal of Public Health, 33 (Supplement_1). doi:10.1093/eurpub/ckad133.195
Abstract Purpose The prevention measures undertaken due to the COVID-19 pandemic, such as lockdown and social distancing may have caused changes in the population’s lifestyle, including physical activity (PA). The current study aimed to investigate the PA level according to the perceived COVID-19 impact in youth in Luxembourg. Methods This representative cross-sectional study was based on the Health Behaviour in School-aged Children (HBSC) Luxembourg 2022 survey. The population includes 8018 participants aged 11 to 18 years old. The PA was measured on how many days per week they practice 60 or more minutes of moderate-vigorous (MVPA) and vigorous PA (VPA). The perceived COVID-19 impact on PA was measured by the question “What impact did the Covid-19 measures have on your PA?”, with 5 answers categories ranging from very negative to very positive. A chi-square test was performed to observe the association between the perceived COVID-19 impact on PA and gender. In addition, a linear regression was performed to analyse the relation between MVPA and VPA and the perceived COVID-19 impact, adjusted by age, splited by gender. Results An association was found between gender and the perceived COVID-19 impact on PA. 28.2% of boys perceived a very positive impacted of COVID-19 on PA, compared to 15.5% of girls. There was a relationship between MVPA, and the perceived COVID-19 impact on PA, in both genders. Participants who perceived a positive impact of the COVID-19 on PA practiced MVPA and VPA more frequently than the others, for both boys (β = 0.491, p < 0.001 and β = 0.491, p < 0.001, respectively) and girls (β = 0.543, p < 0.001 and β = 0.733, p < 0.001, respectively). Conclusions Findings suggest a rather positive impact of the COVID-19 on PA, especially for boys. In addition, those who perceived a positive impact practiced significantly more days of MVPA and VPA, in both gender. This study highlights adolescent’s perception of COVID-19 impacts on their PA and draw attention to the positive impact perceived and its relation to an increased PA practice. Future studies should further investigate the reasons behind the perception of a positive impact, in order to mimic the contextual factors favouring the increased practice of PA.
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DUJARDIN, C. (31 July 2023). Femmes (monoparentales) et le mal-logement au Luxembourg. Défis pour l'inclusion sociale. Rivista Italiana di Educazione Familiare, 22 (1), 173-184. doi:10.36253/rief-14634
Dans la perspective de l'inclusion sociale, l'article se concentre sur la problématique des femmes accueillies seules ou avec leurs enfants dans un foyer d'urgence pour femmes. L'analyse se base sur les données d'un groupe de discussion et d'un entretien d'expert avec des professionnels de l'action sociale. Les résultats sont issus du projet de recherche SOHOME (Social Housing and Homelessness) à l'Université du Luxembourg. Ils mettent en évidence les multiples facteurs qui rendent la trajectoire des femmes particulièrement vulnérables dans la crise de logement au Grand-Duché de Luxembourg. La discussion se centre sur les incohérences émergentes dans l'accompagnement de la personne dans le but de promouvoir son inclusion sociale.
Peer reviewed
SCHUMACHER, A., & BIEWERS-GRIMM, S. (2023). Jugend und Digitalisierung: Lebens- und Verwirklichungsmöglichkeiten junger Menschen in der digitalen Gesellschaft [Paper presentation]. Comité interministériel de la jeunesse Luxembourg, Luxembourg, Luxembourg.
BULUT, H. (July 2023). Ebbs and Flow of Pro-Environmental Attitudes (and Behaviors): The Case of the 2021 European Flooding [Paper presentation]. XX ISA World Congress of Sociology, Australia.
Peer reviewed
DUJARDIN, C. (28 June 2023). Evénement de clôture de projet SOHOME - Social Housing and Homelessness [Paper presentation]. Evénement de clôture de projet SOHOME, Esch-sur-Alzette, Luxembourg.
GOEDERT MENDES, F., & CATUNDA, C. (2023). Activité physique,alimentation et statut pondéraldes enfants et adolescents enâge scolaire. ORBilu-University of Luxembourg.
Points clés: Les garçons sont physiquement plus actifs que les filles. La consommation quotidienne de légumes est plus répandue chez les filles que chez les garçons. La prévalence du surpoids et de l’obésité est plus élevée chez les garçons que chez les filles.
CATUNDA, C. (2023). Appréciation de l’école et perception de la pression liée au travail scolaire chez les enfants et adolescents en âge scolaire. ORBilu-University of Luxembourg.
Points clés: Une majorité d’adolescents indique apprécier l’école et n’éprouve qu’une faible pression liée au travail scolaire. Alors que les garçons et les filles apprécient l’école de façon similaire, les filles ressentent une pression plus forte que les garçons en ce qui concerne le travail scolaire. L’appréciation de l’école et la perception de la pression liée au travail scolaire varient selon le type d’école. Les adolescents qui apprécient l’école éprouvent moins de pression liée au travail scolaire que ceux qui ne l’apprécient pas.
CATUNDA, C. (2023). Freude am Schulbesuch undwahrgenommener Stress durchSchularbeit bei Kindern undJugendlichen im Schulalter. ORBilu-University of Luxembourg.
Wichtigste Befunde: Die Mehrheit der Jugendlichen gibt an, die Schule zu mögen, und sieht nur einen geringen Druck durch Schularbeit. Während Jungen und Mädchen die Schule in ähnlichem Ausmaß mögen, verspüren Mädchen einen höheren Druck durch Schularbeit als Jungen. Die Beliebtheit der Schule und der Druck durch Schularbeit variieren mit dem Schultyp. Jugendliche, die die Schule mögen, verspüren weniger Druck durchSchularbeit als die, die die Schule nicht mögen.
CATUNDA, C., & LOPES FERREIRA, J. (2023). Gesundheitsbeschwerden bei Kindern und Jugendlichen im Schulalter. ORBilu-University of Luxembourg.
Wichtigste Befunde
GOEDERT MENDES, F., & CATUNDA, C. (2023). Körperliche Aktivität,Ernährung und Gewichtsstatusbei Kindern und Jugendlichenim Schulalter. ORBilu-University of Luxembourg.
Wichtigste Befunde: Jungen sind körperlich aktiver als Mädchen. Mädchen essen häufiger täglich Gemüse als Jungen. Die Häufigkeit von Übergewicht und Fettleibigkeit ist bei Jungen höher als bei Mädchen.
CATUNDA, C., & LOPES FERREIRA, J. (2023). La consommation de substances nocives des enfants et adolescents en âge scolaire. ORBilu-University of Luxembourg.
Points clés: L’alcool était la substance nocive la plus consommée. La consommation d’alcool, de tabac et de cannabis ne varie pas suivant le genre. La consommation d’alcool, de tabac et de cannabis augmente avec l’âge. 9,1 % des adolescents en école secondaire ont consommé ces trois substances au cours du dernier mois (polyconsommateurs actuels).
CATUNDA, C., & LOPES FERREIRA, J. (2023). Les problèmes de santé des enfantset adolescents en âge scolaire. ORBilu-University of Luxembourg.
Points clés: L’irritabilité ou la mauvaise humeur est le problème de santé le plus fréquent. Les filles souffrent plus souvent de problèmes de santé que les garçons. Chez les filles, on constate une forte augmentation de tous les problèmes de santé entre les 11-12 ans et les 13-14 ans ; chez les garçons, si certains domaines n’indiquent aucune différence liée à l’âge, d’autres domaines indiquent une lente augmentation.
CATUNDA, C., & LOPES FERREIRA, J. (2023). Substanzkonsum bei Kindern und Jugendlichen im Schulalter. ORBilu-University of Luxembourg.
Wichtigste Befunde: Alkohol war die am meisten konsumierte toxische Substanz. Beim Konsum von Alkohol, Tabak und Cannabis finden sich keine Unterschiede zwischen den Geschlechtern. Der Konsum von Alkohol, Tabak und Cannabis steigt mit dem Alter an. 9,1 % der Jugendlichen in Sekundarschulen haben alle 3 Substanzen im letzten Monat konsumiert (aktuelle Multikonsumenten)
SCHUMACHER, A. (2023). Déi éischt Wäschmaschinn. D'Lëtzebuerger Land.
LOPES FERREIRA, J., GOEDERT MENDES, F., & CATUNDA, C. (2023). Dual Factor Model: exploring different social sources and loneliness of adolescents in Luxembourg. European Journal of Public Health. doi:10.1093/eurpub/ckad160.883
Background: The Dual Factor Model (DFM) of mental health incorporates both subjective well-being (SWB) and psychopathology symptoms, proposing a more comprehensive approach to mental health. As such, four groups can be distinguished in accordance with the level of SWB and psychopathology symptoms: 1. complete mental health; 2. incomplete mental health; 3. incomplete mental illness; 4. complete mental illness. Social support and loneliness are known to influence both SWB and psychopathology symptoms. The aim of this study is to explore the odds of different sources of support and loneliness in the different mental health groups, as proposed by the DFM, in adolescents in Luxembourg. Methods: A total of 7201 adolescents aged 11 to 18-years old participated in the 2022 Health Behaviour in School-Aged Children in Luxembourg. In order to categorize the DFM mental health groups, SWB was measured using the WHO-5 Index and anxiety symptomatology (GAD-2) was used for psychopathology symptoms. Social support (from family, peers, teacher and classmates) and loneliness were analyses using a multinomial logistic regression, adjusting for age, gender, family affluence and family composition. Results: Adolescents who perceive a low (in comparison to good) classmate support and teacher support and feel lonely have an increasing chance of being in the Incomplete Mental Health, Incomplete Mental Illness and Complete Mental Illness (e.g. classmate support: OR = 1.69, OR = 2.19 and OR = 2.79, respectively). Discussion: The lack of support from the school sources and feeling loneliness are the most important factors increasing the probability to be part of the Complete Mental Illness group. Prevention strategies should focus on improving the school setting conditions. School is a privileged place for health promotion, offering a comprehensive, sustained and effective means of intervention for the target population.
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Stamm, M., Reinwand, V.-I., BURGER, K., Schmid, K., Viehhauser, M., & Muheim, V. (2023). Frühkindliche Bildung in der Schweiz. Bern, Unknown/unspecified: UNESCO Kommission.
Malschinger, P., VALLS CASAS, O., & Flecker, J. (2023). Growing into participation? Influences on youth’s plans to engage socially or politically and their changes over time. Österreichische Zeitschrift für Soziologie, 48 (3), 381 - 404. doi:10.1007/s11614-023-00543-1
In the social sciences, adolescents’ interest in social and political issues and their participation has been a subject of controversy. While there is an ongoing public debate about young people’s lack of political engagement, many social and political processes depend on participation. For this reason, we should consider whether and how young people get involved socially or politically and how important future participation is to them. In this study, we analysed whether young people in Vienna are politically or socially engaged and how different factors shape their aim of social and political participation for the future. Therefore, we used data from a five-wave panel study with young people in Vienna. At the beginning of the study period about 3000 respondents participated, the students were attending 8th grade at the Neue Mittelschule (the lower track of lower secondary school) in the 2017–2018 academic year and they were then surveyed annually over the next four years (2019–2022). For the analysis, we used cross-sectional data from the fourth wave (the survey year 2021) to explore the way in which young people considered their political and social engagement. In addition, we used longitudinal data from five waves of the panel survey (2018–2022) to determine how the subjective importance of social and political participation changes over time. Our results show that the different forms of social and political participation varied widely and, based on linear multilevel models with a repeated measurement design, we argue that while sociodemographic factors such as gender and social class are crucial for the youth’s social and political participation, engagement is also shaped by their family resources. In contrast to previous research findings, we found that the importance young people attach to engaging socially and politically decreases between the ages of 15 and 19 years. Our findings reveal new insights for achieving future social and political participation by young people. © 2023, The Author(s).
Peer reviewed
BURGER, K., & Strassmann Rocha, D. (2023). Mental health, gender, and higher education attainment. Zeitschrift für Erziehungswissenschaft. doi:10.1007/s11618-023-01187-3
We compared the mental health of higher education students with that of nonstudents. Moreover, we examined whether the mental health of students predicts their probability of obtaining a higher education degree, and whether the extent to which mental health affects educational attainment varies by gender. Drawing on a risk and resilience framework, we considered five facets of mental health that may be implicated in distinct ways in the educational attainment process: positive attitude towards life, self-esteem, self-efficacy, negative affectivity, and perceived stress. We used data from a nationally representative panel study from Switzerland (Nstudents = 2070, 42.8% male; Nnonstudents = 3755, 45.9% male). The findings suggest that overall, the mental health of higher education students was relatively similar to that of nonstudents, although students exhibited slightly higher self-esteem, slightly weaker self-efficacy, greater negative affectivity, and higher levels of perceived stress. The effects of different facets of mental health on higher education degree attainment were mostly statistically and/or practically insignificant. However, positive attitudes towards life had a substantial positive effect on the probability of being awarded a higher education degree. Mental health was equally important for male and female students’ educational attainment.
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RESIDORI, C., BULUT, H., & SAMUEL, R. (2023). Pro-ökologisches Verhalten und Einstellungen von jungen Menschen in Luxemburg. YOUTHMAG - Le magazine pour le secteur de la jeunesse.
Garcia-Gracia, M., & VALLS CASAS, O. (2023). School absenteeism, emotional engagement and school organisation: an international comparative approach. International Journal of Inclusive Education. doi:10.1080/13603116.2023.2266722
This article aims to provide knowledge on the effects of the social composition of schools and the mediating effect of emotional engagement on school absenteeism, from a comparative perspective and using a multilevel methodology. The comparative dimension of the analyses allows us to study whether there is a school effect on absenteeism and whether this differs according to organisational structures. For this purpose, three cities with three different models were considered. Data from the International Study of City Youth (ISCY) were used. Data were collected in three cities Barcelona (Spain), Ghent (Belgium) and Bergen (Norway), with a total sample of N = 6557 pupils in 82 schools. The results show, first, that absenteeism varies between cities and schools according to the model of school organisation. They also revealed the importance of instrumental and expressive student identification as prevention of absenteeism at the individual level. Finally, results reported that a high emotional engagement of pupils can contribute to reducing the effect of the social composition of the school on absenteeism. © 2023 Informa UK Limited, trading as Taylor & Francis Group.
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BURGER, K. (2023). Selektion und Bildungsungleichheiten: Fortschreibungen der Soziologie Pierre Bourdieus an einem Kolloquium der PH Fribourg. Vierterjahrsschrift fuer wissenschaftliche Paedagogik, 87 (2), 346-350.
Peer reviewed
Vogl, S., VALLS CASAS, O., Kogler, R., & Astleithner, F. (2023). The dreams they are a-changin’: Mixed-methods longitudinal research on young people’s patterns of orientation. Österreichische Zeitschrift für Soziologie, 48 (3), 309 - 331. doi:10.1007/s11614-023-00540-4
At the end of secondary general track schooling, young people experience an important transition; in Austria, they have to decide on further schooling or vocational training. Aspirations shape this transition and decisions herein. In this contribution, we explore patterns in formation, change or stability of educational and occupational aspirations. Based on an exploratory longitudinal mixed-methods approach with adolescents aged about 14 years in wave 1, we untangle the multidimensional phenomenon of (educational and occupational) aspirations. We analyze three waves of qualitative longitudinal interviews and develop a typology of young people’s educational and occupational orientation processes over time. In a statistical analysis of three waves of the panel survey data with the same age group, we compare and integrate findings on stability and change of aspirations and analyze the influence of sociodemographic characteristics on these patterns. With this mixed-methods longitudinal design, we gain an in-depth understanding of young peoples’ thoughts, ideas and worries during this transitional phase. We also learn about the resources that shape the orientation process and related patterns in time. © 2023, The Author(s).
Peer reviewed
Schoon, I., & BURGER, K. (01 November 2022). Incongruence between parental and adolescent educational aspirations hinders academic attainment. Longitudinal and Life Course Studies, 13 (4), 575 - 595. doi:10.1332/175795921X16324800210845
Previous research has shown that parental educational aspirations for their children are an important predictor of children's academic attainment. However, recent studies have pointed to potential negative effects, in particular if there is a mismatch between parental educational aspirations and the aspirations of their children. This study examines (1) the role of socio-demographic and school achievement-related factors in shaping a potential (mis)match between parental educational aspirations and the aspirations of their children, and (2) whether incongruence between parental and their children's educational aspirations hinders academic attainment in times of social change. We use data collected for the 1970 British Birth Cohort Study (BCS70) and Next Steps (formerly known as the Longitudinal Study of Young People in England), a cohort of young people born in 1989/90. We find that in both cohorts socio-demographic and achievement-related characteristics are associated with incongruent aspirations, and that incongruent aspirations between parents and their children are associated with a decreased likelihood of participating in and completing higher education. The study contributes to current debates regarding the causes and correlates of discrepancies in educational aspirations and how such discrepancies affect later life chances.
Peer reviewed
SCHUMACHER, A. (2022). Praxisphasen abschließen und evaluieren [Paper presentation]. Semestereröffnung, Nürnberg, Germany.
VALLS CASAS, O., Astleithner, F., Schels, B., Vogl, S., & Kogler, R. (2022). Educational and Occupational Aspirations: A Longitudinal Study of Vienna Youth. Social Inclusion, 10 (2), 226 - 239. doi:10.17645/si.v10i2.5105
During their transition from lower to upper secondary education, young people make educational and occupational choices driven by their aspirations. Such aspirations are shaped by the individuals’ social environment, their idea of what seems achievable and desirable, and their experiences. Therefore, aspirations can change during the transitional phase. In this article, we explore the development of educational and occupational aspirations of young people over three years. At the start of the study period, the students were attending the lower track in lower secondary education, the so‐called Neue Mittelschule (8th grade), in the city of Vienna in the 2017–2018 academic year. Drawing on the panel survey data (2018–2020) of the Pathways to the Future project, we simultaneously explore stability and change of educational and occupational aspirations. We describe different patterns of change in aspirations and analyse the influence of sociodemo-graphic characteristics and prior achievement on these patterns. Using latent transition analysis, we identify 11 patterns of aspirations with important differences depending on social background. Most of the students have stable aspirations. However, the results show that school performance, migration background, and the level of parental education play important roles in explaining different levels and patterns of aspirations over time. These longitudinal analyses of educational and occupational aspirations provide important insights into the transition process. © 2022 by the author(s); licensee Cogitatio (Lisbon, Portugal).
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Garcia Gracia, M., Sánchez-Gelabert, A., & VALLS CASAS, O. (2022). Educational trajectories, traceability, and self-perception of grades in post-compulsory transitions. Revista de Educacion, 2022 (396), 95 - 123. doi:10.4438/1988-592X-RE-2022-396-531
The aim of this article is to describe and analyze the continuities and ruptures in students’ educational trajectories in the transition to post-compulsory education. The incidence of social inequalities and the mediation of the self-perception of school grades in their educational choices are investigated. Using a path analysis model, we analyze data from a follow-up panel of a cohort of young Barcelona students born in 1998. The final sample is 868 young people, out of the initial 2,056, given the attrition. The sample is stratified according to the ownership of the schools (private/public) and the social complexity of the school context. The results show that “non-traditional” educational trajectories are increasingly common among students, with a greater presence of discontinuities, ruptures, and changes of studies in vocational training itineraries and second chance pathways. They also evidence the dichotomy between the de-standardization of young people’s trajectories and the rigidities of the educational system and the unequal incidence of social origin and self-perceived grades on educational choices. This places the discussion about results in the sphere of academic and vocational guidance policies and the role of educational agents, particularly secondary schools. The results also highlight the relevance of incorporating longitudinal analysis and its traceability dimension into the study of post-compulsory transitions. © 2022, Ministry Education and Science. All rights reserved.
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VALLS CASAS, O., & Flecker, J. (2022). Soziale Ungleichheit im Bildungsverlauf: Wer profitiert von der Durchlässigkeit des Bildungssystems? In Junge Menschen gehen ihre Wege. Vienna University Press.
Editorial reviewed
BURGER, K. (December 2021). Human Agency in Educational Trajectories: Evidence from a Stratified System. European Sociological Review, 37 (6), 952 - 971. doi:10.1093/esr/jcab021
In the research on life-course outcomes, there is a long-standing debate on the relative importance of institutional structure and human agency. This study examines how structure and agency influence educational trajectories in Switzerland. The Swiss education system is hierarchically differentiated but permeable, providing both standard and non-standard pathways to higher education. Using data from a 15-year panel survey, the study assesses, first, the extent to which lower-secondary-school track attendance is associated with individuals' probability of moving into an academic or vocational programme at upper-secondary level and, second, how this predicts the probability of subsequently entering a university. The study also examines how human agency influences these probabilities. Results of a structural equation model show that lower-secondary track attendance significantly predicts individuals' probability of transitioning into academic education, whereas human agency plays a minor, albeit non-negligible, role in this regard. In turn, pursuing an academic rather than a vocational programme is associated with a 47-percentage point (or 16-fold) higher probability of subsequently attending university. Individuals comparatively rarely follow non-standard pathways to university, irrespective of their level of agency. The education system channels educational trajectories, but the power of the channelling effect varies across the different junctures of the system.
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de la Paz Bidauri, M., Fons, A. P., VALLS CASAS, O., & Pareja, R. M. (June 2021). Las motivaciones juveniles en la elección de la enseñanza técnico-profesional en tres contextos sociales e institucionales: Barcelona, La Plata y Santiago. Foro de Educación, 19 (2), 193 - 220. doi:10.14516/FDE.861
The aim of this research is to analyse the motivation of students from three cities to opt for Technical and Professional Education (ETP), taking into consideration the institutional design and social context differences among the three countries. From a qualitative perspective, a discourse analysis of semi-structured interviews aimed at men and women between 18 and 22 years from the three cities is carried out. The results show, on the one hand, differences in terms of motivation when it comes to opting for this type of education, which are due to institutional design, the prestige of studies or the city context. On the other hand, there are also similarities in terms of motivation among young people from the three cities that are beyond institutional design.
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Merino, R., VALLS CASAS, O., & Sánchez-Gelabert, A. (2021). Comprehensive school and vocational training in spain. A longitudinal approach from the transition from lower to upper secondary education. Education Sciences, 11 (3), 1 - 14. doi:10.3390/educsci11030101
Fitting vocational training into the Spanish education system has been challenging and problematic because two objectives are trying to be fulfilled; the first to supply skills for the productive system and the second to be an alternative option for the young people who do not follow the academic track. Moreover, the political vicissitudes of recent decades have added to the difficulties involved in balancing these requirements. In Spain, both the economic agents and the education system itself with its academic inertia have relegated vocational training to a subordinate position, able to attract mainly young people with lower academic achievement and largely rejected by families with a higher educational level. The assumption was that the introduction of a comprehensive secondary education in the 1990s would provide parity between the academic and the vocational tracks. However, the comprehensive nature of this system was not fully applied, with students in many schools separated by ability levels, and in fact having little impact on the social bias of the students choosing vocational training. The empirical contribution of this study is based on a survey carried out among 2056 students from Barcelona in their last year of compulsory secondary education in 2013–14 and who continued in full-time education, be it baccalaureate or vocational training. The main result shows that comprehensive education improves school success and decreases the vocational orientation of students from low social backgrounds. © 2021 by the authors. Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland.
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VALLS CASAS, O. (2021). Resistencias y adhesiones escolares: La importancia del origen social. International Journal of Sociology of Education, 10 (2), 143 - 170. doi:10.17583/rise.2021.6660
Different currents and traditions have studied student attitudes at school, and more specifically much of the research has focused on school resistance. The study is based on an explanatory design of sequential mixed methods that consists of collecting quantitative data and then qualitative data to explain on the quantitative results. In this way, this article shows results from the qualitative phase based on the analysis of semi-structured interviews. It analyses the reasons why students have attitudes of adhesion or school resistance at the end of Compulsory Secondary Education (ESO) and how this influences their post-compulsory educational pathways. The results show an intersectionality when the attitude of the pupils at the end of compulsory education is analysed. Important differences are observed by class, origin and gender. The important role played by teachers and schools, their practices and the support they provide to students is highlighted. © 2021, Hipatia Editorial. All rights reserved.
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BURGER, K., Mortimer, J., & Johnson, M. K. (February 2020). Self-esteem and self-efficacy in the status attainment process and the multigenerational transmission of advantage. Social Science Research, 86, 102374. doi:10.1016/j.ssresearch.2019.102374
Despite considerable evidence of the importance of self-esteem and self-efficacy for agentic, goal-oriented behavior, little attention has been directed to these psychological dimensions in the status attainment literature. The present research uses data from the longitudinal, three-generation Youth Development Study (N = 422 three-generation triads) to examine the extent to which adolescent self-esteem and economic self-efficacy affect adult educational and income attainment, and whether these psychological resources are transmitted from one generation to the next, accumulating advantage across generations. We present evidence indicating that both self-esteem and economic self-efficacy are implicated in the attainment process. Adolescent economic self-efficacy had a direct positive effect on adult educational attainment and an indirect effect through educational plans. The influence of self-esteem on adult educational attainment was entirely indirect, through school achievement. We also find evidence that economic self-efficacy was transmitted from parents to children. We conclude that future research should more broadly consider psychological resources in attainment processes from a longitudinal multigenerational perspective.
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Merino, R., García, J. S. M., & VALLS CASAS, O. (2020). Efectos secundarios y motivaciones de las personas jóvenes para escoger formación profesional. Papers: Revista de Sociologia, 105 (2), 259 - 277. doi:10.5565/rev/papers.2776
This article analyses young people’s expectations in their last year of compulsory education regarding which path to choose after completing compulsory education, particularly between academic and professional tracks. Secondly, it analyses the motivations of young people who have chosen the vocational training option. The theoretical framework is grounded in Boudon’s theory of secondary effects and identification with the school institution. Bivariate and multivariate techniques are used to analyse data from a longitudinal study that began in the academic year 2013-2014 with a sample of 2,056 young people. The main results are that the family’s educational level, but especially grades influence the expectation of going to high school or doing vocational training. The majority of young people who choose vocational training have high expressive and instrumental motivations and generally exhibit a large degree of autonomy in their vocational choices. © 2020, Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona. All rights reserved.
Peer reviewed
Palou, A., VALLS CASAS, O., & Merino, R. (2020). El efecto de las actividades de tiempo libre y del engagement escolar sobre el rendimiento académico de las personas jóvenes. Revista de Investigacion en Educacion, 18 (1), 5 - 23. doi:10.35869/REINED.V18I1.2627
This paper aims to analyze the relations between social background, leisure activities, school attainment and school engagement. The main objective of this research is to examine whether leisure activities and school engagement can compensate for the effect of social background on school attainment. This research uses a sample of 2.056 10th grade students from 27 different centers within the city of Barcelona. Data processing is done by structural equation modeling. The results show that relational and digital activities are associated with an improvement in school attainment while sport and cultural activities are associated with an increase in emotional and cognitive engagement. Cultural activities are also related to a better behavioral engagement, a type of engagement that has a positive effect on school attainment and can compensate for the effect of gender and immigrant background on school attainment. Copyright © Facultad de CC. de la Educación y Deporte.
Peer reviewed
VALLS CASAS, O., Palou, A., & Merino, R. (2020). MÁS ALLÁ DEL CURRÍCULUM. ¿QUÉ PAPEL JUEGAN LAS ACTIVIDADES NO CURRICULARES SOBRE EL ENGAGEMENT DEL ALUMNADO? Bordon, 72 (4), 133 - 155. doi:10.13042/Bordon.2020.72252
INTRODUCTION. This article analyses the role that non-curricular activities play in the school engagement of young people with different socio-demographic profiles, taking into account the role of schools. METHOD. A hierarchical linear analysis model has been used to measure the differences between schools, controlling the individual characteristics of the students from the data of a survey carried out among 2.056 students who were in their 10th year of schooling in 27 schools based in Barcelona. Four models are examined in the analysis: firstly, sociodemographic variables are introduced, then non-curricular activities carried out by young people both within and outside the high school, and finally centre variables. RESULTS. The results show that noncurricular activities act as mediators of the family educational level in explaining emotional and cognitive engagement —not behavioural engagement—, and sex and origin remain influential. Finally, the level of participation within centers appears to be significant only for behavioral engagement, mediating the effect of the complexity and comprehensiveness of the center. DISCUSSION. Based on the results obtained, it is possible to deepen the debate on the importance of non-curricular activities for the school engagement of young people, as well as the role that schools have in promoting the school involvement of their students. © 2020, Sociedad Espanola de Pedagogia. All rights reserved.
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Siddiq, F., Gochyyev, P., & VALLS CASAS, O. (2020). The role of engagement and academic behavioral skills on young students’ academic performance—A validation across four countries. Studies in Educational Evaluation, 66. doi:10.1016/j.stueduc.2020.100880
The aim of this study is to validate an instrument measuring students’ academic behavioral skills and engagement—skills identified as vital for student achievement. We inspect the reliability and validity of the survey with respect to item fit, factorial structure, relations with academic performance, and the fairness of the items across student groups. The fairness analyses are critical to making valid comparisons between groups and across countries. Data comprising 8520 grade 10 students from four countries were analysed using item response theory. We found that both scales were multidimensional, acted fairly across students’ gender, country, immigrant-, and socio-economic background (after removing four items), and were positively and significantly correlated with self-reported and performance-based academic performance. © 2020 Elsevier Ltd
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BURGER, K. (September 2019). The socio-spatial dimension of educational inequality: A comparative European analysis. Studies in Educational Evaluation, 62, 171 - 186. doi:10.1016/j.stueduc.2019.03.009
Given recent evidence of rising levels of social segregation in European countries, this study uses standardized data from the Program for International Student Assessment (n = 171,159; 50.5% male) to examine the extent to which education systems in Europe are socially segregated and whether social segregation in the school system affects achievement gaps between students of different social origin. Results suggest that the degree of social segregation within education systems varied substantially across countries. Furthermore, multilevel regression models indicate that the effect of socioeconomic status on student achievement was moderately but significantly stronger in more segregated education systems, even after controlling for alternative system-level determinants of social inequality in student achievement. These findings provide original evidence that social segregation in education systems may contribute to the intergenerational transmission of educational (dis)advantage and thus serve to exacerbate wider problems of socioeconomic inequality in Europe.
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BURGER, K. (2019). The subjective importance of children's participation rights: A discrimination perspective. American Journal of Orthopsychiatry, 89 (1), 65 - 76. doi:10.1037/ort0000343
This study examined how children appraise the importance of their participation rights-that is, the right to express their views and the right to be heard-and whether such appraisals vary as a function of perceived discrimination in the school environment. The sample comprised 1,006 children (9.6-14.3 years of age; 51% boys) from 14 public primary schools in Geneva, Switzerland. Results indicate that a majority of children considered their participation rights as very important. Children's appraisals of these rights varied marginally between classes and schools. Moreover, children's individual-level appraisals were sensitive to their perceptions of discrimination in the school environment, in that higher levels of perceived discrimination were associated with a greater subjective importance attached to participation rights. This suggests that appropriate measures must be taken to implement participation rights in such a manner that all children-including those who feel discriminated against-will be protected by, and fully able to enjoy, their participation rights. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2019 APA, all rights reserved).
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Torrents, D., Merino, R., Garcia, M., & VALLS CASAS, O. (2018). El peso del origen social y del centro escolar en la desigualdad de resultados al final de la escuela obligatoria. Papers: Revista de Sociologia, 103 (1), 29 - 50. doi:10.5565/rev/papers.2300
School effects have been a controversial issue since the publication of the Coleman report. Students’ attainment varies depending on the school they attend; a fact that is well known in social scientific research as well as in families, who take these differences into account in their school choice strategies. The key issue is whether this difference is related to the student social composition or to the pedagogical model implemented by the school and based on the comprehensive curricula. The main hypothesis is that the impact of social composition is greater than that of comprehensiveness. Data were collected from 1,782 secondary school students in the 10th grade at 27 schools in the city of Barcelona. A hierarchical linear model is run to analyze the differences between schools, controlling for the individual features of students. The differences between schools are mainly due to the social composition of students and the different degrees of comprehensiveness is not relevant. Moreover, lower class female students are less exposed to the composition effect because they perform better than expected in more socially complex schools. © 2018, Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona. All rights reserved.
Peer reviewed
Garcia Gracia, M., & VALLS CASAS, O. (2018). Trayectorias de permanencia y abandono educativo temprano: Análisis de secuencias y efectos de la crisis económica. Metamorfosis.
Peer reviewed
BURGER, K. (August 2017). The role of social and psychological resources in children's perception of their participation rights. Children and Youth Services Review, 79, 139 - 147. doi:10.1016/j.childyouth.2017.06.019
Children's participation rights are recognised across the world. However, we still have relatively little empirical evidence on children's views of these rights and on the necessary conditions to effectively realise them. This study set out to explore how children assess their participation rights in school, and whether these assessments vary as a function of social and psychological resources, which constitute the preconditions for practicing participation rights. The sample included 1006 children (48.8% female, mean age = 11.71 years) who were enrolled in the penultimate or final year of public primary school in Geneva, Switzerland. A majority of these children reported that they could exercise their participation rights in school. Furthermore, results indicate that children's assessments of their participation rights did not differ systematically across classes, schools, or city districts. However, these assessments were significantly related to social and psychological resources, including children's subjective well-being and feelings of safety, a perceived climate of social non-discrimination, and the presence of a person of trust in the school environment. In conclusion, this study goes beyond previous research by examining both children's views of their participation rights and to what extent they depend on social and psychological resources. The study also provides original empirical evidence on the extent to which children's participation rights are implemented in practice.
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Merino, R., García, M., Torrent, D., & VALLS CASAS, O. (2017). Separación del alumnado por niveles en 4º de la ESO y complejidad social de los centros. Límites y posibilidades del currículum comprensivo. Tempora.
Peer reviewed
BURGER, K., & Walk, M. (December 2016). Can children break the cycle of disadvantage? Structure and agency in the transmission of education across generations. Social Psychology of Education, 19 (4), 695 - 713. doi:10.1007/s11218-016-9361-y
Research has shown that parents tend to pass educational advantage or disadvantage on to their children. However, little is known about the extent to which the intergenerational transmission of education involves children’s agency. In this study we drew from two traditions in sociological and social psychological theorizing—the theory of cultural and social reproduction and the theory of human agency—to examine whether agency influences children’s educational performance, and if so, whether this influence can be observed among children across social classes. We used data from the Spanish sample of the Program for International Student Assessment (N = 25,003 15-year-olds). Results indicate that the level of child agency was weakly positively related to social class, that child agency impacted on a child’s educational performance, and that the positive effect of agency on educational performance did not vary by social class. This suggests that strategies to enhance disadvantaged children’s agency may prove useful in reducing social gradients in educational performance. More generally, our findings may ignite a debate about the role that social structure and human agency play in shaping social inequality and mobility.
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BURGER, K. (June 2016). Intergenerational transmission of education in Europe: Do more comprehensive education systems reduce social gradients in student achievement? Research in Social Stratification and Mobility, 44, 54 - 67. doi:10.1016/j.rssm.2016.02.002
Research has examined how education systems affect student achievement. Much of this research has compared comprehensive systems of schooling with tracked (selective) systems with regard to the degree to which they influence social class gradients in educational achievement. This study looks at comprehensive schooling in a broader way. Using standardised cross-national data for 31 European countries, it examines whether the comprehensiveness of education systems - in terms of pre-primary education, public/private sectors, educational tracking, and annual instruction time - contributes to explain the transmission of educational advantage from parents to children. Results suggest that the effect of parental education on a child's educational achievement is stronger in highly tracked education systems and in systems with a shorter annual instruction time. However, the social composition of a school's student population also affects the intergenerational transmission of education, and it interacts with the annual instruction time, such that the effect of school social composition on a child's achievement is stronger in education systems with a longer instruction time. This challenges the theory that by extending the school year policymakers could minimise social inequality in education (theory that would be confirmed if we looked only at micro-level data). The findings inform debates about the influence of education policies on social stratification and mobility in Europe.
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BURGER, K. (2016). A transdisciplinary approach to research on early childhood education. GAIA, 25 (3), 197 - 200. doi:10.14512/gaia.25.3.13
There is much debate on early childhood education in research, politics, and society at large. Furthermore, early childhood education research and policy have become increasingly complex and multidimensional. Nonetheless, transdisciplinary research frameworks are still scarce. This report gives insights into a project that used a transdisciplinary approach, outlining its conceptualization and its potential for the definition and analysis of issues that transcend traditional boundaries between academic disciplines, academic and nonacademic knowledge production, and different domains of society.
Peer reviewed
BURGER, K., Karabasheva, R., Zermatten, J., & Jaffé, P. (2016). Kinderrechte, Kindeswohl und Partizipation: Empirische Befunde aus einer multimethodischen Studie. In R. Mörgen, P. Rieker, ... A. Schnitzer, Partizipation von Kindern und Jugendlichen in vergleichender Perspektive. Bedingungen – Möglichkeiten –Grenzen (pp. 15-38). Basel, Unknown/unspecified: Beltz Juventa.
Kinder haben nicht nur das Recht, am Gesellschaftsleben teilzunehmen, sondern auch darauf, ihre Meinung zu äussern und angehört zu werden. Kinder bilden sich über Menschen, Situationen, Orte und Institutionen eine Meinung und sie treffen Entscheidungen im Hinblick auf unterschiedlichste Fragen mit Bezug zu ihren Lebenswelten. Kinder planen und organisieren ihr Leben, übernehmen bestimmte Aufgaben, positionieren sich im Verhältnis zu anderen Menschen und stecken ihre Einflusssphären ab. Sie wirken als Akteure auf ihr Umfeld und die gesellschaftlichen Verhältnisse ein und reagieren darauf in einem dynamischen Wechselspiel (Liebel, 2009). Entsprechend sollen Kinder aktiv an Entscheidungen mitwirken können, die sie direkt oder indirekt betreffen. Das von der Generalversammlung der Vereinten Nationen im Jahr 1989 verabschiedete, völkerrechtlich verbindliche Übereinkommen über die Rechte des Kindes sichert "dem Kind, das fähig ist, sich eine eigene Meinung zu bilden, das Recht zu, diese Meinung in allen das Kind berührenden Angelegenheiten frei zu äussern" (Art. 12) und es verpflichtet darüber hinaus die Vertragsstaaten, "die Meinung des Kindes angemessen und entsprechend seinem Alter und seiner Reife" (ibid.) zu berücksichtigen. Dies ist nicht nur ein rechtlicher, sondern auch ein "pädagogischer Meilenstein auf dem Weg zur Respektierung" (Fatke & Niklowitz, 2003, S. 3) des Kindes als eigenständiges, selbstbestimmtes und gleichwertiges Mitglied der Gesellschaft. Die Vertragsstaaten des Übereinkommens über die Rechte des Kindes stellen damit einen neuen Anspruch an sich selbst und sie verpflichten sich, die Bedingungen dafür zu schaffen, dass sich Kinder in Angelegenheiten, die sie betreffen, effektiv einmischen können. Vor diesem Hintergrund haben wir in vierzehn Schulen der Stadt Genf eine Befragung sowie Gruppendiskussionen mit 10-bis 12-jährigen Kindern durchgeführt, um aus kinderrechts-und erziehungstheoretischer Perspektive deren Ansichten über ihre Situation in ihrem Wohnquartier und in ihrer Schule zu erfassen. Ziel der Studie war es einerseits zu eruieren, wie Kinder am gesellschaftlichen Leben teilnehmen respektive wie sie ihre Beteiligungsrechte beanspruchen können. Andererseits interessierte die Frage, wie Kinder ihre eigenen Rechte wahrnehmen und inwieweit Kinderrechte aus Sicht der Kinder in deren Alltag realisiert waren. In diesem Beitrag geben wir Einblicke in die Studie und diskutieren ausgewählte Resultate. Der Beitrag ist folgendermassen strukturiert. Zunächst stellen wir kurz den theoretischen Rahmen unserer Arbeit dar. Anschliessend beschreiben wir das methodische Vorgehen, forschungsethische Erwägungen und empirische Befunde. Schliesslich diskutieren wir praktische Implikationen der Befunde und weisen auf Forschungsdesiderate hin.
Peer reviewed
BURGER, K. (20 October 2015). Effective early childhood care and education: Successful approaches and didactic strategies for fostering child development. European Early Childhood Education Research Journal, 23 (5), 743 - 760. doi:10.1080/1350293X.2014.882076
This research article attempts to determine strategies that can be used to support children's cognitive and social-emotional development in early childhood care and education programs. By synthesizing empirical evidence about pedagogical techniques that promote children's competencies, the article aims to identify those characteristics of programs that ultimately contribute to the effectiveness of early childhood care and education. In particular, the article summarizes strategies that foster children's acquisition of language, math, and social-emotional skills. In so doing, it responds to the needs of program staff who struggle to understand and address the numerous developmental needs of young children and it provides concrete guidance for policymakers and management personnel who aim to design purposeful programs which benefit child development effectively.
Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi
Karabasheva, R., BURGER, K., Jaffé, P., Zermatten, J., Burnat, D., Métral, L., Liberek, M., & Riva Gapany, P. (2015). Consulter les enfants sur leurs droits.
BURGER, K. (2014). Entanglement and transnational transfer in the history of infant schools in Great Britain and salles d'asile in France, 1816-1881. History of Education, 43 (3), 304 - 333. doi:10.1080/0046760X.2014.888486
The historical developments of infant schools in Great Britain and salles d'asile in France - both precursors of present-day preschools - were interconnected. However, historians have not yet analysed specifically how transnational exchange influenced the growth and nature of these institutions. Drawing on archival data and secondary sources, and using a combined comparative and transnational approach, this study aims to remedy this omission. It traces the evolution of British infant schools and French salles d'asile from their beginnings to their affiliation with the education systems in their respective countries - i.e. from 1816, when Robert Owen founded the first infant school in Britain, to 1881, when the salle d'asile was incorporated as an integral part of the French education system (renamed école maternelle). The study also shows how ideas about infant education and the motives and experiences of educators and social reformers spread across British borders and influenced the development of salles d'asile. © 2014 Taylor & Francis.
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BURGER, K. (2013). Early Childhood Care and Education and Equality of Opportunity: Theoretical and Empirical Perspectives on Social Challenges. Wiesbaden, Unknown/unspecified: Springer. doi:10.1007/978-3-658-01212-0
Editorial reviewed
BURGER, K. (July 2012). A quasi-experimental study into the relations between families' social and cultural background and children's crèche experience and global cognitive competence in primary school. Early Child Development and Care, 182 (7), 875 - 906. doi:10.1080/03004430.2011.590938
This study analysed the role of both sociocultural background and exposure to a crèche on children's development of cognitive competence in Switzerland. Data were derived from a survey on children's cognitive proficiency after enrolment to primary school. Correlations and multiple linear regressions indicate that crèche experience was not related to children's cognitive proficiency when sociocultural background characteristics were held constant, irrespective of duration and intensity of exposure. However, social and cultural background variables were related significantly to children's competence, suggesting that sociocultural disparities begin to affect children's skills early in life. The results are contextualised within the field of early childhood care and education research, and a number of explanations concerning the absence of effects of crèche are discussed. The findings are discussed in terms of implications for policy. They might encourage policymakers to supply socially disadvantaged children growing up in impoverished learning environments with enriched services and special interventions. © 2012 Copyright Taylor and Francis Group, LLC.
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BURGER, K. (June 2012). A social history of ideas pertaining to childcare in France and in the United States. Journal of Social History, 45 (4), 1005 - 1025. doi:10.1093/jsh/shr144
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BURGER, K. (23 November 2010). Begehren, Sprache und Bildung. Vierteljahresschrift für Wissenschaftliche Pädagogik, 86 (2), 163-183. doi:10.1163/25890581-086-02-90000003
Peer reviewed
BURGER, K. (June 2010). How does early childhood care and education affect cognitive development? An international review of the effects of early interventions for children from different social backgrounds. Early Childhood Research Quarterly, 25 (2), 140 - 165. doi:10.1016/j.ecresq.2009.11.001
A number of authors have investigated the impact of early childhood education and care programs on the development of children. Often they have focused on the effects on children from socio-economically disadvantaged families. To assess the effects of various preschool programs on cognitive development, recent key studies were reviewed. In addition, the extent to which these programs could establish equal educational opportunities for children from different social backgrounds was evaluated. Program start, intensity, and duration were considered. The findings indicate that the vast majority of recent early education and care programs had considerable positive short-term effects and somewhat smaller long-term effects on cognitive development and that in relative terms children from socio-economically disadvantaged families made as much or slightly more progress than their more advantaged peers. Despite this, early childhood education and care cannot compensate completely for developmental deficits due to unfavorable learning conditions in disadvantaged milieus. Implications for research and policy are discussed. © 2009 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
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BURGER, K. (2010). Frühkindliche Bildungsforschung: Nationale und internationale Bestandsaufnahme und Konsequenzen für Bildungspraxis und -politik in der Schweiz. In Frühkindliche Bildung, Betreuung und Erziehung. Was kann die Schweiz lernen? (pp. 271-290). Rüegger.
Peer reviewed
BURGER, K. (2010). Frühkindliche Bildungsforschung: Nationale und internationale Bestandsaufnahme und Konsequenzen für Bildungspraxis und -politik in der Schweiz. In Frühkindliche Bildung, Betreuung und Erziehung. Was kann die Schweiz lernen?Rüegger.
Peer reviewed